Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Unrest on Sukkot

At the moment I'm writing this, just a couple of miles away there are riots. An Israeli security guard shot dead a Palestinian man last night in Silwan, and it seems that things are now escalating. Palestinians have apparently been dropping stones on Jews at the Kotel from above, and the police are dispersing them.

It's strange to be sitting in a quiet neighborhood in Jerusalem when just a twenty minute walk away the existential conflict of the last century simmers on.

Let's hope it ends soon, and without further casualties.

I hope that all my friends and family enjoy this Sukkot (or, for my non-Jewish friends, the weekend). We'll be sitting in our tiny sukkah on our balcony, beautifully decorated by Toby, Beruria and Kara. Here's a pic of Beruria with some paper chains she helped make for the sukkah.

Hag sameach...and may we all soon see a lasting peace.


  1. Whatever you do, stay safe. BTW, Beruria is adorable as always.

  2. From your mouth... (and agree - Bru a cutie pie)
