Monday, July 6, 2009

The Trevails of Apartment Ownership

I don't remember it being like this. Really. I remember the thrill of home ownership being so exciting that the little inconveniences, irritations, incompletnesses didn't bother me (or at least they've been occluded in my memory).

My day today: waiting for the Verizon guy to (again!) try to get our service set up. It seems the last guy (who took a total of 12-14 hours last week to -- incorrectly, it seems -- hook up our computer-internet-phone) didn't bother to correctly set up the system to allow us to actually buzz people in! So, today we learn that in order to have this modern convenience, they are going to have to re-wire the entire project.

Next, our carpet delivery: we thought we'd found the perfect solution to replace the (disgusting!) carpets in the two bedrooms. Empire Carpets (you know, "588-2300 -- Empire!") came to visit us on Friday, brought samples, and assured us that we would have new carpets on Monday. At a MUCH cheaper price than elsewhere. Great!

Then they show up. At 3 pm (we have to have work done during business hours). And get started...only to tell me, halfway through the job, that the carpet for the kids' room is torn in three places. And it was...badly. So, they'll be coming back tomorrow...and I get to wait for them!

What does one do? You can't blame the workers...they're just trying (usually) to make the best of the situation they find themselves in. Every job is different. But there must be a better way!

Oh well. Stay tuned.


  1. Thanks! I think long overdue. I have far too big a mouth to constrain myself to conventional conversation.

  2. Although it's not quite the same as you thumping the Shabbat table after 4 or 5 whiskeys shouting about something vitally important that is immediately forgotten the next day :-)

  3. Whaddya mean, forgotten the next day? I remember every quasi-drunken Shabbat rant!
