Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Souter's New Digs

I have to say it: I'm disappointed to read in today's Times that former SCJ David Souter is ditching the ol' farmstead for what seems to be a McMansion in the next town.

Here I thought Souter was an old school New Englanda curmudgeon. Turns out he wants the ancient dream of all retired government employees: a Martha Stewart-approved paint scheme.

Reminds me of an old poem by a certain late Northeastern bard:

Stopping by the Road on my Way Home from Yoga

Whose house this is, I think I know
It should be in Chappaqua village though;
Where Martha and Hillary summer every year
'Cause, what else do you do with all that dough?

My Lexus stopped, it seems so queer
To pause without a Starbucks near;
By beauty bark and gardener's jeep
(Did they fire Jose this year?)

The Beamer behind gives his horn a beep,
(What is this guy, some finance creep?)
Middle finger aloft, the gas is pressed
And away he drives, his ire deep.

The driveway is long; the leafblowers gassed
A Range Rover with nanny and children just passed
But on to Balducci's -- the arugula won't last.
But on to Balducci's -- the arugula won't last.


  1. Love the poem -- and agree with you... Souter should be in a shack somewhere, not a McMansion!

  2. did you write that yourself?? it's great. You're a near top-link on Google. I'm so impressed...

  3. Well, Robert Frost wrote it...I just changed the words and tried to keep the rhyme scheme.

  4. That means you wrote it -- the parody at least. I remain impressed.

  5. What must you think of our soon-to-be New England McMansion? We did not plan it as such, but since we can't dissuade the designer that we are NOT wealthy retirees, it's turning out that way.
